

 Names  - Origins 

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Baby Names Starting with


XAVIER: Spanish place name, Basque for "new house," and Arabic for "splendid." Xavier is responsible for all those middle initials in Catholic schools. Xaviera, the feminine form, is quite melodic. Relatives: Xaviera, Xaver, Xever, Javier, Giaffar, Jaffar. Namesakes: Saint Francis de Xavier, Xavier Cugat, Xaviera Hollander.

XENIA: Greek for "hospitality." Namesake: Xenia (Ohio).

XERXES: Persian for "prince." Xerxes I was the king of Persia (519-465 B.C.) who went to war with the Greeks after creating a bridge of boats across the Hellespont.

~ THE BEST NAME FOR YOUR BABY: A CREATIVE GUIDE TO PROPER NAMES, by Barbara Binswanger and Lisbeth Mark. Henry Holt and Co., New York, 1990.