Dr. Solomon and The Women’s Wellness Center- Margate, FL,
If you are looking for an obstetrician/gynecologist (OBGYN) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida or If you need to see an OBGYN in the Fort Lauderdale area for preventative care, prenatal care, reproductive therapy, hormone therapy, Pap test screening or consultation regarding menstrual problems, infertility issues or family planning, contact us to learn more about our office and Dr. Solomon. Based in Margate, FL and specializing in both gynecology and bioidental hormone therapy, Dr. Solomon serves patients from West Palm Beach south to Miami. Searching for an OBGYN who suits your needs can be a bit chore; contact The Women’;s Wellness Center to learn if we are the right fit for you.
All women, have to regularly see an OBGYN. An OBGYN is a physician who has a special training in managing all aspects of pregnancy (from family planning to childbirth) and in dealing with the health of the female reproductive system, including the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and diseases of the reproductive organs.