Is Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy right for me?
Are you tired, cranky, troubles thinking straight, forgetting things, don’t sleep well at night, NO sex drive? This simply means your body has slowed in the production of hormones, the ones that used to keep your body in balance.
The good news however, it’s not to late to do something about it. Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy may be just what your missing. BHRT as more commonly known was designed to do just that. Replacing and optimizing the hormones is the key to your well being. BHRT’s are manufactured from the highest quality botanical ingredients available. These ingredients are specifically formulated to identically match what your body once produced. If you live in the Coconut Creek Area and would like to know your options regarding Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, stop by our Margate office today.
By balancing and optimizing these hormone levels most patients report improvements in many areas such as muscle tone, increased energy, sharper memory, greater sexual desire and performance. Each persons body is different, but the main main difference between Bio-Identical Hormones and Synthetic Hormones are:
Bio-identical hormones are created in a lab and possess the exact molecular structure as those produced by your body. Synthetic hormones are also created in a lab but are a different molecular structure than those produced by your body.
Bio-identical hormones are a safer and more natural alternative to their synthetic versions as medical studies worldwide have concluded. The body absorbs bio-identical hormones easily as though they were created naturally by your body where synthetic hormones often have a variety of side effects.
Before any diagnosis can be made both blood work and a physical need to be completed. When consulting with our HRT doctor he will make recommendations on a Therapy that will best work for you.
Again, if you live in the Coconut Creek Area and would like to know your options regarding Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, stop by our Margate office today or contact us for more information.